21 year old artists, Daniel Keller and Nik Kosmas were born to advertising executives at the same hospital in Chicago. Amazingly, on dates coinciding exactly with the winter and summer equinoxes. Despite this unsual coincidence, it was not until 2004 at an art therapy class for troubled youth that they finally met and became friends.
For a short period in 2005 they toured the midwest as educational dance troupe MIRAJ. Later that year, they were awarded a contract by the United States Government Service Authority to laser scan the Dirksen Federal Courthouse, a Mies Van Der Rohe skyscraper in Chicago.
After the completion of the project in the fall of 2006, they moved to Berlin and launched AIDS-3D.COM, fusing their mutual interests in social activism and state-of-the-art technology.
In 2007, their technologically sophisticated light spectacles and media performance wowed ecstastic crowds throughout Europe, from the hottest clubs in Athens, to the ICA in London.
In 2008, they launched their new venture, FREE INTERNET, a studio, club and magazine, which they hope will call attention to the world's dire need for standardized international voltage, more free Wifi hotspots, and cheaper SMS service.
Hope @ aids-3d.com